Friday, February 4, 2011

Rainbow Juice and my special juice glass

this is a great juice recipe when you want a vibrant looking, sweeter tasting green juice. Plus, the pulp is so darn pretty.  This is my Led Zeppelin juice glass. I always have my juice in it. I swear it makes it taste better.

For this juice, you'll need beets, carrots, greens (I used kale and collards), lemon, ginger, and celery.  I don't drink this everyday because beets and carrots are pretty sweet, but once in a while, it's a nice treat.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for zeppelin! I'm a fan! :) I'll add your new blog to my blog list, thanks for updating me! And I think Sunshine burgers are available in Canada, just check Whole foods!
